Path Bar en Finder

Para mostrar la ubicación del nombre de los archivos en Finder

A veces es importante saber cual es la ubicación de algún archivo en tu finder. Este método te permite verlo a todo momoento arriba a la izq del finder. Para esto, tienes que utilizar la terminal de mac.

To enable the Finder’s title bar to display the long pathname, do the following:

  1. Launch Terminal, located at /Applications/Utilities/.

  2. At the Terminal command prompt, enter the following:

    defaults write _FXShowPosixPathInTitle -bool true
    </pre data-type="code">

    You can triple-click the Terminal command here to select the entire line of text and then copy/paste the line into your Terminal window.

  3. Press Enter or Return.

  4. At the Terminal prompt, enter:

    killall Finder

  5. Press Enter or Return.

The Finder restarts, after which any Finder window displays the long pathname to the current location of a folder.

Disable Display of the Full Pathname

If you decide you don’t like the Finder always displaying the long pathname, you can turn the feature off with the following Terminal commands:

  1. At the Terminal command prompt, enter the following:

    defaults write _FXShowPosixPathInTitle -bool false

  2. Press Enter or Return.

  3. At the Terminal prompt, enter:

    killall Finder

  4. Press Enter or Return.

The Finder Path Bar and the related path features of the Finder can be a handy shortcut when working with files and folders. Give this nifty hidden feature a try.